Account Set-Up

  • Updated

A. Store Creation 

1) Do I need an email ID to create an account on Smartbiz?

Yes, email ID is mandatory. If your account (old or newly created) is not linked to an email, you will be  asked to enter your email ID. You will also be asked to verify the email via OTP.

2) Do I need an existing amazon account to create an account on Smartbiz?

Yes, you will need an Amazon account to create your SmartBiz store. You can login with your existing Amazon credentials or create a new Amazon account.

3) Can I use special characters for my store name?

No, you cannot use special characters for your store name. This is because store name is used to create your store URL and a URL cannot have special characters.

4) I am both a seller and buyer on Amazon. Which credentials do I use?

You can use either to login. Please note that mobile number linked to your Amazon account will be displayed on Storefront.

5) What should I provide as business address? Can I change this later?

You should provide the address from where customers can pick up their order. If your order pick up address is different from your store location, provide the store location. Yes, this can be edited from your profile section later.

6) What if I do not have an offline store/ business address? What address do I provide?

You should provide the address from where you will fulfill your deliveries.

7) What are business and product categories? 1) Can I change them later?

Business category is the category of products they are selling and product category is the type of product. Example ‘Jewelry’ is a category and ‘earrings’ is a product category. Please note that you can edit these store categories from your profile at a later point in time.

8) Can I create multiple stores using one account?

Currently, we do not allow a seller to create multiple storefronts with one account. You will need to log out of existing account and use different credentials to create a new store.

9) What should I do if the mobile number I registered with is currently deactivated/ not in use? Can I still access my store?

You can  login with the email ID linked to your registered mobile number. If you are unable to recollect the email ID/ it is no longer operational, you may need to create a new account on Smartbiz.

10) Does the mobile number displayed on my website have to be the same as my registered mobile number?

No, the number displayed on your storefront can be different from your registered number. Ensure that the number updated on website is active so that customers can reach out to you.

11) Can I change the number displayed on my storefront?

Navigate to Profile and click on the edit icon next to your store name. Enter the mobile number that you want to display on your website under 'Customer Support'. Save your changes.

12) Can I change my registered mobile number/ email ID after creating my store?

You cannot change your registered email ID or phone number once your store is created. However, you can create a new store with different email ID and mobile number.

13) Can I login to Smartbiz on my desktop?

Yes, you can login to SmartBiz ( on your desktop. However, currently, you only be able upload listings on desktop.

14) Can my employee login to the Storefront with their credentials?

Currently, multiple users cannot sign into your storefront using their credentials. However, you can share your login credentials and they can assess the storefront on their own devices if necessary.

14) I do not want to display an address on my website. Can I hide the address?

You can hide your address from your Smartbiz website. Navigate to Profile and click on the edit icon next to your store name. Toggle the 'Hide Address' button and save your changes.

15) I do not want to display an address on my website. Can I hide the address?

You can hide your address from your Smartbiz website. Navigate to Profile and click on the edit icon next to your store name. Toggle the 'Hide Address' button and save your changes.

B. Delivery settings

1) Can customers pick up orders from my store directly? How do I enable this?

Yes, customers can pick up their order directly from your store. Please ensure that the address added by you in the profile is the same address customers need to pick up their order from.

2) Can I provide home delivery to customers? How do I enable this?

Yes, you can provide home delivery to customers in India. You will need to make some changes to delivery settings before you can provide home delivery

3) I will not be able to service orders for a while due to personal reason. How do I prevent customers from placing their orders?

You can prevent customers from placing orders on your storefront by turning the ‘Accept Orders’ toggle in Profile section off. Please note that you will need to turn it back on to start accepting orders again.

4) Can I configure a dynamic delivery fee depending on customer location/ quantity purchased or any other parameter?

No, currently a flat delivery fee will apply on all your orders. You can set the delivery fees from delivery settings in Profile section.

5) Can customers pick up their product from my store at any point in the day?

Customers can pick up the order once you have marked your order as ‘Ready for pick up’ and during your store’s operating hours. They will receive an SMS once the order is ready for pickup.

6) What is shipping time?

Shipping time is the time it takes for you to deliver an order to a customer. By default, shipping time is 3-5 days. You can customize shipping time from Delivery settings under Profile tab in the app.

7) Can I update a different shipping time for a few products or categories?

No, shipping time cannot be customized for individual products and categories. However, you have the option to enter shipping time as a range.

8) I am not receiving order related notifications on my Android mobile.

This is most likely because your mobile is in battery optimization mode. In order to receive order notifications, you will need to open 'Settings' on your mobile and navigate to 'Apps'. Provide unrestricted access for the app to run in the background when your mobile is in batter optimization mode.