Create Custom Collections

  • Updated

You can create custom collections that will allow your customers to purchase from a curated range of products in your catalog. For example, you can create festive-specific collections for Diwali, Raksha Bandhan, Valentines etc. or collections relevant for your business such as 'printed T-shirts', 'baggy T-shirts' if you sell apparel. In this article, we will cover.

A. How to create and edit a custom collection 

1. Login to your SmartBiz account and navigate to 'Catalog'.

2. Click on the 'Add New Collection' under the 'Collections' card. 

3. Update image, name and description for the collection. While description and image are optional, we recommend that you add these to provide customers a seamless  experience on your storefront.

4. Next, add products to your collection and save the collection. Please note that you can add products later as well. Products can be added from the collection or directly by navigating to the product and selecting the 3 dots at the top right corner.

5. You can edit the collection anytime by navigating to the collection and selecting 'Edit Collection' to change collection details or products added. 

6. Once you've added products to your collection, you can go ahead and share it with your customers. By clicking on the link, customers will land on the curated list of products within your collection.

Note: If you wish to temporarily hide the collection from your store, switch on the 'Hide from Store' toggle and reset it once you want to display the collection again.

B. Create custom collections (Desktop App)

How to create and edit a custom collection:

1. Login to your SmartBiz Desktop Seller App and navigate to 'Catalog' which is below the “Home” tab

2. You will find 3 options:

  • Products
  • Categories
  • Collections

3. Click on “Create new Collection” option to create collection of your choice.

4. You can select any of the products from your existing list of products to get added into the collections.

5. Click on “Add products to collection”.

6. To add a collection what you need: 

I. Image of the collection: 
a) Recommended Aspect Ratio for Showcase Theme: 3:2 (900x600px)
b) Recommended Aspect Ratio for Limelight Theme: 1:1 (600x600px)
II. Collection Details: 
a) Collection Name
b) Description (Optional)
Note – While uploading the image you will get an option to choose the correct aspect ratio.
7. After completing the above steps mentioned in Point (6), click on “Add products to collection”.
8. After selecting the product(s) now you can click on “Add 1 product” based on the number of products you have selected.

9. After clicking on “Add 1 product” now you will get an option to save. Along with that you will also get an option to delete the collection.


10. The collection is saved after you click on “Save’ and the same can be viewed by clicking ‘Collections” under “Catalog” tab. Here you will have the option to –

I. Edit collection
II. Delete collection
III. Hide on storefront
IV. Share the link of the collection with your customers by

a) Copying the link
b) Sharing the same in your social media platform directly
c) A single click which will take you to your Store Collection URL