Google Ads integration on your SmartBiz website will allow you to measure the effectiveness of your advertising by understanding the actions that people take on your website. Once you've set up Google Ads, you will be able to track the actions customers take on your website. Examples of actions include viewing a product details page, adding a product to their shopping cart, initiating checkout or making a purchase. Google will receives these actions, or events, which you can view on your Google Ads dashboard.
From there, you'll be able to see the actions that your customers take. You'll also have options to reach those customers again through future Google ads.
Step 1: Create a Google Ads Account
- Go to Google Ads portal.
- Sign in with your Google email id and password. If you do-not have an existing account, please click on 'New Google Ads account'.
- Complete the on-boarding steps.
Note: If you already have a Google Ads account created, skip to step 2
Step 2: Integrate Google Ads on your website
- Open the SmartBiz web app and navigate to the ‘Performance marketing’ tab under ‘Growth’ section on your sidebar and Select Google Ads
2. Click on ‘Sign in with Google’. Please use the Google email Id and password on which Google Ads is setup.
3. You will be prompted to Sign in to SmartBiz. Click ‘Continue’
4. You will get a prompt ‘SmartBiz wants to access your Google account’. If you have already given permissions to SmartBiz, click ‘Continue’. If you have not given permission to SmartBiz, select the permissions checkbox and click ‘Continue’.
5. After successful authorization, you will be re-directed back to SmartBiz with your Google Ads account id displayed. Choose the desired Ad Id you want to link and click ‘Continue’. In case you want to use a different Google Ads account, click on ‘Sign In with a different account’
6. After successful linking, you will get a success message ‘Success! Yay, you've completed the setup '. Your Google Ads account is now setup on your website.
Step 3: Test your events
Once you have linked your Google Ads account to your SmartBiz website, it will start tracking events. Visit the Google Ads dashboard to see if your website events are being tracked properly. Most events should reflect within 5-10 minutes on your dashboard, but sometimes it can take up to an hour. If you don’t see any data reflecting on your Google Ads dashboard, try deleting your linking from the website and add it again.
You can now start running ads to drive sales by choosing an event to optimize your ad for.